
What can you expect from us?

Like any civilized group, we believe rules are essential to providing a safe, ordered and stable environment. For convenience on our Discord server we have;

  • Disabled singular message notifications. This means the only time you should receive a notification is if your name or a member role you have assigned has been mentioned in the chat. Usually this happens to bring your attention to a new announcement for the server or a game you’re a member off, or if someone is trying to get your attention. All tags are moderated, and members abusing these powers will have theirs taken away.
  • Disabled the everyone tags by all accounts except by a Club Admin who will only use this on a server announcement post. This is to prevent abuse.
  • Members who have informed us and given us permission to track their Twitch account will send out notifications to a designated channel when they start streaming, it will tag all members that have subscribed to receive notifications.

What can we expect from you?

In exchange we do expect the following from all our members, new or old alike;

  • Be friendly and always show respect to everyone, no matter their role.
  • No posting of spam (outside of the designated channel), or sharing of anyone else’s personal information without consent.
  • No excessive tagging of other members repeatedly or without need.
  • Harassment (public or through private messages), pornographic, abusive, hate speech, excessive swearing or any other kind of discriminatory act will not be tolerated.
  • No links or posts may contain advertisements of any kind. If in doubt, speak to a @Club Manager or @Club Moderator who will be able to assist you.
  • We expect all members to speak English, with no excessive use of voice changers or sound boards.
  • Full acceptance and abidance by Discord’s rules, as well as any rules imposed by the service providers for any communication medium we use or promote.

Discord, Forums and Social Media

Discord was meant as a free alternative to programs such as Skype, Teamspeak, Mumble or IRC channels.

The idea being it was easier to grab your friends in a single place, talk to one another while playing a game and have the option of adding images to complement what you’re doing.

Over time, large community discords start to resemble a forum, where there is an ever-increasing amount of channels for each individual topic.

Discord has its advantages due to being able to text and receive replies quickly, however, it can also lead to a confused userbase who may get turned away simply because they feel overwhelmed on where to post certain information, or even trying to find a reply to a question from the day before.

Because of this we use our resources as follows;
Discord: Voice chat, and event alerts and rolling general conversations
Forums: Planning, and discussing huge topics in a structured manner
Social Media: Advertising and promotion of our community and teams

― Keep calm and game on

Our Minds Are
Always Gaming

Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our full potential. So what are you waiting for? Get involved and start practicing and developing your skills today!

Ready to start your journey?

• EVOLVED2GAME © 2015-2022  •
All related content, characters, names and materials that could be part of an existing work, are the exclusive property of their authors.